Copyright 2006-2008 Oliver Seidel (email : oliver.seidel@deliciousdays.com)
WHAT's NEW in cformsII - v9.4
v9x introduces a completely new method of storing its settings,
***** please make a WP database backup first (!) *****
and then migrate your settings (cforms will guide you!)
*) feature: specific insert position can now be determined when adding new fields
*) feature: TAF: added support for proper WP 2.7 custom field registration (screen options)
*) bugfix: fixed some WP2.7 admin UI incompatibilities
*) bugfix: fixed TAF-option for WP2.7 New post/page UI (drag&drop, open/close)
*) bugfix: multi-select / check box groups for multi-page form hack
*) bugfix: special characters would cause captcha reload to revert back to certain default settings
*) bugfix: fixed autosave issue with TellAFriend flag being deleted
*) other: added default number (5) of shown RSS entries, if not configured by user
WHAT's NEW in cformsII - v9.3
*) feature: added title feature to widget control
*) other: added explanatory code to API call "to retrieve all tracking records"
*) other: corrected some typos
*) other: label and input fields now support capital letters
*) bugfix: removed debug message in API call to retrieve all tracking records
*) bugfix: v9.2 required plugin to be activated 2x for it to show up in the admin menu
*) bugfix: for IIS servers abspath.php needs to escape the backslash
WHAT's NEW in cformsII - v9.2
*) feature: added restore function when cforms settings get corrupted (for whatever reason)
the function kicks in as soon as cforms detects broken settings and will guide the user
*) feature: added form specific success and failure classes for more CSS/styling control
*) feature: added POP before SMTP authentication to SMTP feature
(global settings)
*) feature: added filename modification for file uploads at run-time
(see my-functions.php!)
*) bugfix: fixed a minor bug in the global settings backup routine
*) bugfix: "don't clear" setting would not be saved
*) bugfix: fixed disabling of headers when downloading tracked data
*) bugfix: tracking data download: missed last record for CSV & TAB
*) bugfix: fixed and simplified 'duplicate form' routine (FROM: was not copied properly)
*) other: TinyMCE styling : made CSS more specific to cforms ("TinyMCE Advanced" compatible)
*) other: update SMTP/PHPMailer support to v2.2.1
WHAT's NEW in cformsII - v9.1
*) feature: timing of forms: added start and end date for forms availability
*) feature: optionally include field names/header info when downloading data sets (CSV, TAB, XML)
*) feature: new custom function to control application logic during run-time
my_cforms_logic() filter function, see my-functions.php
for now only page redirection is being supported, more to come in the future
*) feature: revamped the code driving the deletion of forms (allowing also allowing the first form to be deleted)
*) bugfix: PHPMailer support for attachments (couldn't attach files to email)
*) bugfix: "Cannot use string offset as an array in lib_aux.php on line 12"
*) bugfix: minor bug in rendering nonAjax action path in form tag
*) bugfix: fixed paging on the tracking page
*) bugfix: fixed issue with cforms WP comment feature and additional fields (on top of
the default comment fields) not showing up in notification email
*) bugfix: fixed CC:me field bug (for Ajax submission)
*) bugfix: form submission tracking : fixed dashboard & RSS link to actual form details
*) bugfix: fixed RSS support (mime types and general compatiblity issues)
*) bugfix: JS bug could have caused hiccups when refreshing CAPTCHA image
*) bugfix: fixed restore bug "Error: Specified file failed upload test."
*) other: added delete warning when deleting a form
*) other: line breaks (CRs) in nonAjax confirmation msg are now translated to
WHAT's NEW in cformsII - v9.0b
*) bugfix: a couple of custom variables were broken, e.g. {Form Name}
*) bugfix: fixed lib_WPcomment path issues
*) bugfix: fixed include path in lib_ajax.php
*) bugfix: now migrates successfully forms 10-... from pre v9 versions
*) other: added warning message in case abspath.php could not be created
*) other: made some missing text translatable
WHAT's NEW in cformsII - v9.0
*) feature: API function: get_cforms_entries( $fname, $from, $to, $sort, $limit )
(see HELP for further info: "APIs...")
*) feature: optionally redisplay user input after form submission (non Ajax mode only)
*) feature: complete cforms backup option (see under "global settings")
*) feature: supports now 'check-box-activation' in "plugins" (no more "all data erased error")
*) bugfix: installing the preset would add unwanted carriage returns (would break cforms Backup feature)
*) bugfix: fixed widget/sidebar form display (if more than the default form was displayed)
*) bugfix: fixed checkbox 'false' text addition if set to be not selected
*) bugfix: form name filter on tracking page would only return results for one form
*) bugfix: several minor bugfixes re: tracking page (filter + view, delete & download)
*) other: my-functions.php can now be moved to the /cforms-custom/ folder
*) other: data tracking page: made trash can icon(s) more obvious, added close button
*) other: upload field: file extensions are case insensitive now!
*) other: upload field: spaces in file names are now converted to _
*) other: fixed a Javascript related security concern
*) other: revamped form backup file (not compatible with pre v9.0 versions!)
*) other: fixed GMAIL support for admin message layout
*) other: tracking page layout more fluid (CSS: Show->Submissions)
WHAT's NEW in cformsII - v8.7
*) feature: added support for other plugins using TinyMCE (causing the 'purl' err currently).
See buttons support, global settings.
*) feature: RSS feeds (security key enabled) for form submissions, global feed and for single forms
See global settings and main form admin page.
*) feature: option to force CAPTCHA & Q&A even for logged in users
See global settings.
*) feature: CAPTCHA now compatible with WP Super Cache plugin working with super cached pages!
*) feature: cforms "comment feature" now considers comment COOKIES (user preferences)
*) bugfix: fixed email (data) issue when CAPTCHA or Visitor Verification (Q&A) field was not
at then end of the form
*) bugifx: non-(at all)-selected radio buttons would cause issues
*) other: rearrangement of options on the main config page & admin UI clean up
WHAT's NEW in cformsII - v8.6.2
*) feature: Q&A now also not displayed for logged in users
*) bugfix: email bug: broken HTML message when user was logged in while submitting a form
*) bugfix: comment feature, ajax submission: 'wait a moment...' wasn't replaced by success message
WHAT's NEW in cformsII - v8.6.1
*) feature: 'Comment Luv' fully supported by cforms' WP comment form feature
*) feature: 'Subscribe To Comment' plugin fully supported by cforms' WP comment form feature
*) feature: 'WP Ajax Edit Comments' plugin fully supported by cforms' WP comment form feature
*) feature: CAPTCHA not shown when users are logged in
*) feature: WP comment form feature supports gravatars (see HTML template for new comments -> HELP)
*) bugfix: turning WP's "wp_autop" filter off, could cause form rendering issues
*) bugfix: fixed jumpin check box when check box is 'required' and toggled
*) bugfix: when CAPTCHA was set to case insensitive, reloading proper captcha was iffy in some cases
*) other: supports WP2.6 "wp-load" / alternative wp-config.php option
*) other: added "wp-load" support to buttonsnap class
*) other: enhanced rendering of cforms comments (for WP post/page comments)
see new comment template on global settings for new options and best pratice setup
*) other: some general house keeping
WHAT's NEW in cformsII - v8.6
*) feature: added user definable default states for check-, radio boxes, drop downs etc.
*) bugfix: fixed proper cforms tag insertion when using PHP4 (known PHP strrpos issue)
*) bugfix: fixed funny "!" characters in long emails (when lines had gotten too long)
*) bugfix: fixed better handling of very large upload files (when "no email attachments" are selected)
*) other: added 'echo' to insert_custom_cform()
*) other: minor adjustments to the file upload handling routine
*) other: changed to use of $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] to accommodate IIS server peculiarities
WHAT's NEW in cformsII - v8.5.2
*) bugfix: line breaks in check box groups could cause field troubles (overwriting)
*) feature: allowing other forms to "feed" into a (c)form and thus pre-populate cforms fields
*) bugfix: fixed "custom err messages" when used with "custom IDs/Names"
*) bugfix: fixed plugin_dir path logic to better support WPMU
*) bugfix: tracking page: fixed getting all entries
*) other: insert_cform() now prints directly the form (no echo needed)
WHAT's NEW in cformsII - v8.5.1
*) feature: user CAPTCHA response can now be treated case insensitive
*) bugfix: tracking page: "download all" fixed
*) bugfix: tracking page: filtered results count fixed
*) bugfix: fixed some annoying MSXML IE specific errors...
*) bugfix: custom files had to be all lowercase, now case insensitive
*) bugfix: custom CSS file would not be pre-selected in Styling/drop-down
*) other: added a patch to manage Wordpress annoying wp_autop 'feature' and thus
fix xHTML validation (this should really be WP's task ;-)
WHAT's NEW in cformsII - v8.5
*) feature: better custom-files support (CSS, CAPTCHA) to outwit the short comings of
the WP auto update feature that removes/overwrites custom files
*ALL custom files** should go into "/plugins/cforms-custom"
*) feature: added/changed default way of referencing forms, now:
for better transparency and persistence (when deleting forms)
*) feature: WP comment feature: extra admin notification option available now
*) bugfix: radio option ID != label "for=", now they match up
*) bugfix: fixed 'waiting' message while submitting (escaped characters & styling)
*) bugfix: fixed RoleManager support for the new & enhanced tracking page
*) bugfix: fixed HTML tags in checkbox group display text (wizard dialog)
*) bugfix: fixed HTML tags in checkbox group display text (in form email)
*) other: enhanced sanitizing of custom IDs for input fields
*) other: added {Referer} & {PostID}
*) other: enhanced XML download format
*) other: replaced all deprecated get_settings()
*) feature: added the possibility to change the FROM: address to fake the user's
this is not recommended, but a widely asked for 'feature', use at your own risk
WHAT's NEW in cformsII - v8.4.2
*) bugfix: date picker field would be greyed out even if enabled in global settings
*) bugfix: check box group label ID <> input field ID, broke xHTML strict
*) bugfix: fixed support for special characters on the "Tracking" page (Viewing)
*) bugfix: fixed support for special characters on the "Tracking" page (Downloading)
WHAT's NEW in cformsII - v8.4.1
*) bugfix: some users experienced lost TAF setting when post was scheduled for a future date
*) bugfix: forward slashes are not allowed in form names, and could have caused some issues
*) bugfix: cforms WP comment feature : "Select:Email/Note" wizard dialog corrected
*) bugfix: revived suppressed err msg when selecting more than one field of a unique field type
*) bugfix: field type drop down entries 'misaligned' with wizard dialog(s)
*) other: js/lang/en.js - renamed the lang file to the seemingly more common locale setting
*) other: CC:me can (now post-form-submission) be suppressed
WHAT's NEW in cformsII - v8.4
*) added feature: success message is now being parsed for {default} and {custom} variables
*) added feature: custom variables (referencing input field) can now be written as {_fieldXY}
with XY being the input field no. as it appears in the admin form configuration, e.g
{_field2} = 2nd form field
or even as {ID} where id = [id:ID] when using custom IDS for your input fields
*) added feature: enhanced custom input field names: if "[id:]" present in field name string,
e.g. Your Name[id:fullname]|Your Name
then what's given as the 'id' is being used for the fields id/name
*) other: changed focus to first missing/invalid input field, used to be the last field in
the form
*) bugfix: checkboxgroup ID bug resolved (thanks Stephen!)
*) other: included a fix for other plugins that unnecessarily impose "prototpye" on all plugin
WHAT's NEW in cformsII - v8.3
*) feature: Completely revised Tracking/Edit UI
*) feature: Tracking: XML download
*) feature: Tracking: Editable fields
*) bugfix: fixed IIS issues with CAPTCHA RESET
*) bugfix: datepicker default values (non-digit) would cause false start dates
*) bugfix: "page" wasn't properly recorded in some cases for ajax submission
*) bugfix: multiple upload fields: if the first field wasn't populated, none of the
following attachments would be send in the email (but saved on the server)
*) bugfix: if all submissions were deleted from tracking tables, the first new form
submission would be partially broken
WHAT's NEW in cformsII - v8.2
*) NOTE for v8.x:
*) MAJOR CHANGES for ajax support; *cforms.js* doesn't have to be edited anymore
*) (ok, there is maybe a 1% that you do have to) please do not replace new cforms.js
*) with your old, customized cforms.js!
*) feature: new, more robust datepicker feature!
*) bugfix: fixed T-A-F custom field display for post/pages for WP2.5
*) bugfix: T-A-F custom field would not show for pages
*) bugfix: fixed a rare but critical bug when using checkboxgroups|radiobuttons & datepicker
*) bugfix: fixed escaped quotes in Fieldsets names in emails (text part)
*) bugfix: one click updater was mistakenly disabled by "plugin name"
*) other: fixed delete button on tracking (item) page
*) other: if field is set to "auto clear", it will be also now cleared before
submission if the default value is still present
WHAT's NEW in cformsII - v8.1
*) feature: additional form presets
*) feature: |title: now available to add 'titles' to input fields
*) feature: auto guessing (during activation) of proper Ajax path settings (cforms.js)
*) feature: drop down box- and radiob button options can now be moved around in the "edit dialog"
*) bugfix: fixed issue textarea being erased when custom error triggered and shown
*) bugfix: fixed/improved Javascript 'jump to error' feature
*) bugfix: fixed issue with 'hanging' input field editor (wizard dialog)
*) bugfix: fixed issue with field-2-field validation
*) bugfix: fixed broken edit field dialog, 'wizard'(IE6, possibly IE7)
*) bugfix: {Page} var corrected for Ajax
*) bugfix: properly localized months in confirmation emails
*) other: slimmer main cforms file, hopefully helping narrow down PHP MEM issues
*) other: major code clean-up
*) other: improved and streamlined 'Install Form Preset' Dialog
*) other: admin UI WP2.5'yfied
WHAT's NEW in cformsII - v8.02
*** WP 2.5 compatible
*) feature: NEW PLUGIN ROOT FOLDER STRUCTURE to support one-click/auto plugin updates
*) feature: next to supporting $post custom fields, HIDDEN fields can no be fed via URL parameters,
e.g.: URL?myVAR=test-string | & the hidden field set to "myhiddenfield|"
*) bugfix: critical fix for JS based input validation (regexp broken in v7.53!)
*) bugfix: checkbox would not be validated if no custom value was provided
*) bugfix: several issues with "WP comment feature" and sending a note to the post author
*) bugfix: Better SMTP integration / support for other SMTP Plugins,eg. "WP Mail SMTP"
*) bugfix: Fixed compliance with other 'greedy' buttonsnap-using-plugins
*) bugfix: Fixed quotes " in input field values (default value)
WHAT's NEW in cformsII - v8.0
*** WP 2.5 compatibility ***
WHAT's NEW in cformsII - v7.53
*) bugfix: SMTP support for username/pw was only workign in conjunction with SSL/TSL
*) bugfix: SMTP did not properly resolve multiple "TO:" admin addresses
WHAT's NEW in cforms II - v7.52
*) bugfix: fixed widget support (xHTML compliant again)
*) bugfix: WP comment PHP session mgmt fixed (CAPTCHA issue)
*) bugfix: dialog stalls: admin UI error (dialog) when only label is given for a single input field
*) bugfix: improved session mgmt for WP comments feature
WHAT's NEW in cforms II - v7.51
*) bugfix: WP comment feature: "comment in moderation" wasn't displayed properly
*) bugfix: CAPTCHA reload didn't appreciate custom settings
*) bugfix: fixed "values" for checkboxes (Help! has been updated, too)
if no value provided, 'X' is being used to indicate a checked box
if a value is given, then that value is being used in the admin email
*) other: added capability to radio boxes!
*) other: REGEXP Validation: if present, validation *WILL* happen regardless of 'is required setting'
WHAT's NEW in cforms II - v7.5
*) feature: WP comments feature completely revised
+) no more dependency on wp-comments-post.php
+) fully supporting comment form validation (esp. nonAjax!)
+) Ajax'iefied
*) bugfix: PHP regexp testing for '0' caused a false positive
*) bugfix: T-A-F enable new posts/pages by default -> was broken if TAF form was your default (1st) form
*) bugfix: a few CSS fixes (.mailerr and other)
*) other: major admin UI clean-up, making it xHTML compliant again
WHAT's NEW in cforms II - v7.4
*) feature: CHANGED and improved "custom processing" (see /my-functions.php)
function my_cforms_action : gets triggered after user input validation and processing
function my_cforms_filter : after validation, before processing (nonAJAX)
function my_cforms_ajax_filter : after validation, before processing (AJAX)
*) feature: new system variables referencing the currently logged in user (see Help)
*) bugfix: WP comment feature wasn't fully working for logged-in users
*) bugfix: several, related to multi-selectbox (quotes in values, 'required' flag etc., ajax submission broken)
*) bugfix: new option 'Extra variables' was reset under certain circumstances
*) bugfix: general formatting issue with escaped input characters, e.g. ", \ etc. - no one noticed??
*) bugfix: email validity check now accepts the + character
*) bugfix: removed bogus >> echo"***WPCOMMENT";
*) other: removed
from radio boxes, now supporting inline radio-boxes
WHAT's NEW in cforms II - v7.3
*) feature: added {Author} default variable
*) feature: added IP lookup (GeoMapLookup) to Tracking Table
*) feature: calendar shows "Year" navigation
*) feature: enable cforms only for specified pages, keeps your blog neat
*) critical bugfix: anyone using "WP Cache enabled" *may* be affected by malefunctioning form deletion/duplication
*) bugfix: line breaks in multi-line text fields are now displayed correctly in the (HTML) admin email
*) bugfix: captcha reset link was corrupted
*) other: CAPTCHA now case sensitive (supporting UPPER and lower case)!
*) other: enabled structuring of drop down "select lists" with multiple " ", e.g.
item 1
item 1.1
item 2
item 2.1
item 2.1.1
WHAT's NEW in cforms II - v7.2
*) feature: system {variables} can now be used for the "default values"
*) feature: "jump to error" (javascript) can now be turned off
*) feature: added option to turn off CSS (styling) completely
*) feature: added support for full CAPTCHA customization
*) bugfix: fixed hidden field support for Ajax
*) bugfix: added CharSet=utf-8 to SMTP mailer support
*) bugfix: fixed support for complex field labels,e.g. "Your Name*"
*) bugfix: frozen widget panel corrected
*) bugfix: minor XHTML tweak to fix STRICT compliance
*) bugfix: corrected extra when using cform's "WP COMMENT FEATURE"
*) other: modified handling of unset/unknown {variables}, in v7x unset variables would be printed as such
*) other: adjusted tracked time of submissions to reflect blog settings (offset)
*) other: Show Message "below form" can be activated in "form HIDE mode"
*) other: removed rawurldecode() for hidden fields
WHAT's NEW in cforms II - v7.11
*) critical fix: some server / browser combos caused the site to stall
WHAT's NEW in cforms II - v7.1
*) feature: 4 additional themes (monospace light&dark, fancy white/blue)
*) bugfix: WP comment feature - broken in v7.0
*) bugfix: WP comment feature - success message now being displayed when sending email
*) bugfix: WP comment feature - comment label points to right input field
*) bugfix: fixed and enhanced dynamic form feature
*) bugfix: fixed upload path config error (upload was still working though)
*) bugfix: fixed possible issues with existing WP jQuery (1.1.4) library
*) other: more CSS theme enhancements
*) other: WP 2.3.2 certififed
*) other: Turkish language pack available
WHAT's NEW in cforms II - v7.0
*) feature: much enhanced error display (optional)
with direct links to erroneous entries,
updated theme CSS (new styles),
& embedded custom error messages!
*) feature: "hidden fields" now supported, optionally referencing custom field data via variables (e.g. {meta_data} )!
*) feature: added alternative NAMES and ID's for all INPUT FIELDS derived from their field label (default is e.g.: cf_field_12)
*) feature: added optional support for T-A-F specific {VARIABLES} in non-TAF forms/contexts
*) bugfix: fixed an old non-AJAX post-id bug (caused issues with variables {Title} )
*) bugfix: table start and textarea data had extra
in the form email
*) bugfix: form backup/restore routine would miss a field
*) bugfix: fixed a multi-select-box resizing bug after form submission (Opera)
*) critical bugfix: fixes checkbox group / next item issue (would prevent the next item to be included in the email)
*) other: major CSS theme revamping (checked for IE,FF & Opera compat.)
*) other: quite a bit of cleaning up
*) other: adjusted CSS for radio buttons to meet checkbox groups'
*) other: changed default FROM: address to what has been configured in WP's settings
WHAT's NEW in cforms II - v6.5
*) feature: two additional CSS Themes: dark_XL & grey_blocks
*) feature: input field Wizard Mode, hopefully supporting easier field configuration
*) feature: enhanced "Add new field" functionality, supporting multiple new fields with one click
*) feature: added "read-only" ("disabled" would not allow to extract the field value)
*) feature: added an upload dir URL option, in case the upload directory is outside of ../wp-content/..
*) critical bugfix: if multiple upload fields are present and only some are being used, attachments may not be copied to the local server dir
*) bugfix: if submission entry (w/ multiple attachments) was deleted (via 'Tracking' page) only the first attachment was physically removed from the server
*) bugfix: dashboard would show cforms DB error if tracking tables were N/A
*) bugfix: fixed a MySQL error that would occur when using a LIMIT & tracking turned off
*) bugfix: fixed multiple upload field ID bug, all fields would have the same Element ID
*) other: enhanced widget layout / UI
*) other: T-A-F preset now explicitly turns on auto confirmation
*) improved admin UI (input field attributes & CSS fixes esp. for IE6/7)
WHAT's NEW in cforms II - v6.41
***) update 6/12: fixed form submission hide-bug
*) feature: introducing a limit of accepted form submissions, handy for registrations!
*) feature: PHPmailer 2.0 supporting SSL & TLS connections to external SMTP servers (e.g smtp.gmail.com)
*) bugfix: quotes and single quotes when using regexp / single line input fields
*) bugfix: if field is "EMAIL" AND "REQUIRED" it would loose the "REQUIRED" status after first validation attempt.
*) bugfix: semi-critical bug related to the use of CAPTCHA & NON-AJAX submission method
*) bugfix: fixed a label bug that would prevent the form from validating (W3C), introduced in v6.3
*) bugfix: fixed Drop-Down/Select-Box, now displaying the first entry as the default: necessary when checking 'REQUIRED'
*) other: unknown variables {xyz} would be removed, they're now left intact, supporting the use of:
in your HTML notification messages!
*) other: enhanced the default styling for the admin email ('included form data block')
*) other: a few form CSS enhancements
*) other: admin user interface enhancements (resizable message boxes)
WHAT's NEW in cforms II - v6.3
*) feature: slightly enhanced the "redirection options" - adding "hide form"
*) feature: added new input field: masked password field
*) feature: added setWeekStartDay for "date picker"
*) bugfix: fixed IIS support for TinyMCE dialog (some IIS caused path issues)
*) other: slight CSS changes/enhancements (backward compatible)
*) other: Japanese localization now available
WHAT's NEW in cforms II - v6.2
*) feature: added detection for typical errors
*) feature: added fieldset information in tracking display to maintain context of input fields
*) bugfix: fixed the T-A-F preset
*) bugfix: fixed TinyMCE compatiblity issues with WP2.0.2
*) bugfix: fixed wp_get_current_user() issue with WP2.0.2
*) bugfix: fixed tracking issue and {variable} bug when using fields with the same field label
now, this works (example: checkbox group) and will be recorded properly:
*) other: reimplemented 'dashboard" support using activity box hook (no more JS)
*) other: changed behaviour of an email field. The "Email" flag doesn't anmore imply "Required"
*) other: Danish translation available!
*) other: Russian translation available!
WHAT's NEW in cforms II - v6.1
*) other: more forgiving to IIS servers with 'a very special set of ENV variables'
fixing a potential menu 'display bug'
*) other: combined WPMU and normal WP admin JS / to also cater to 'normal' WP installs
specific prototype/jQuery usage
*) other: made cforms.js editbale to cater to specific IIS reqs (URI=...)
*) bugfix: form name would escape single quotes
*) bugfix: proper support for blogs with a URI prefix, e.g. /blog/wp-content/...
*) bugfix: added user rights check for dashboard display
WHAT's NEW in cforms II - v6.0
*) new: TinyMCE: enhanced visual appearance of form placeholder in TinyMCE editor
*) new: TinyMCE: much improved TinyMCE & std editor button/insert dialog
(now with direct form select & fully localize-able )
*) new: completely revamped admin UI JS core for drag&drop (fixing some IE issues)
*) new: preset forms for "quick starts" (basic, T-A-F, WP Comment and custom err)
*) new: if no 'required' text is given (empty), then HTML will be entirely omitted
*) bugfix: CAPTCHA: finally fixed PHP/GD bug where image would not be shown
*) bugfix: Date Picker/CSS : fixed nasty IE 6 'select box' bug
*) bugfix: Date Picker/CSS : had a fix background color
*) bugfix: Date Picker/CSS : wasn't working with some themes
*) bugfix: Date Picker : wrong default setting for "date format"
*) bugfix: fixed {Page} Variable - won't cut of last character anymore
*) bugfix: fixed many structural HTML errors in the admin UI and other clean-up
*) bugfix: hopefully fixed admin menu "non-shows" for good
*) other: complete overhaul of the translation strings (major clean up)
*) other: enhanced cforms uninstall/cleanup routine
*) other: CSS adjustments for some themes; counteracting too aggressive WP themes
killing the cform layouts
*) other: made several SQL calls more robust and less likely to cause SQL errors
*) other: enhanced dashboard support
*) Enhanced the "simple example" for custom forms on help page (showing a more
flexible and elegant way of handling custom form field arrays!)
cforms II - v5.52 (bugfix release)
*) bugfix: Date Picker: fixed critical bug appearing on non "forms pages"
*) bugfix: Date Picker: fixed semi critical bug when showing multiple forms on the same page
*) bugfix: Dashboard feature: fixed SQL error in case no forms have been submitted yet
*) other: XHTML strict: fixed "name" attribut in form tag for compliance
cforms II - v5.51 (bugfix release)
*) bugfix: removed some debug code (echo) in T-A-F (disable/enable)
*) bugfix: fixed empty tag
*) bugfix: fixed admin menu for Windows IIS web server
*) bugfix: minor version display fix
*) other: JS file for "popup date picker" now only loaded when feature is enabled
*) other: renamed JS functions in "popup date picker" code (to avoid possible incompatiblities)
*) other: select boxes & upload fields now also show a "required" txt label
cforms II - v5.5
*) feature: special regexp use: compare two input fields for equal content (e.g. email verification)
*) feature: 'Tell-A-Friend' enable all posts/pages per click
*) feature: 'Tell-A-Friend' default behaviour for new posts/pages
*) feature: Fancy Javascript date picker
*) feature: "WP Comment/Message to author" Feature
*) feature: added dashboad support (showing last 5 entries)
*) other: since 2.3 comes with update support,
I removed local update notification code (saves a few kb)
*) bugfix: corrected form layout when no FIELDSETS are being used
*) bugfix: radio button fix, in case no label/li ID's are enabled
*) bugfix: made some changes to session mgmt in favour of keeping form content
when hitting the browsers back button
*) bugfix: fixed use of special character "." as an empty trailing line in TXT messages
*) other: tuned code a bit, hopefully with a performance gain
*) bugfix: fixed weird caching phenomena when deleting of forms
*) bugfix: fixed non ajax regexp processing
cforms II - v5.4
*) feature: added Tell-A-Friend functionality, see Help documentation
*) feature: added filter option for displaying data records on "Tracking" page
*) feature: added support for individual input field CSS customization
ie. unique - ID's, see "Styling" page
*) feature: added ajax captcha reset
*) feature: added individual error messages (HTML enabled), see Help
*) feature: added HTML support for field labels (field names), see examples on Help page
*) feature: added HTML support for the general error and success message
(HTML gets stripped for popup alert() boxes!)
*) other: changed {Page} variable to reflect query params (/?p=123)
if using the default permalink structure
*) other: changed session_start() call in favour of gzip compression
*) other: forcing chronological order of data records when downloading as CSV
*) bugfix: fixed group check box bug (in ajax)
*) bugfix: fixed special characters (e.g. Umlauts) in subject line
*) bugfix: minor CSS bugs
*) bugfix: check box select bug on "Tracking" page
*) bugfix: fixed copying of attachment(s) to specified server dir, when Tracking is turned off
*) bugfix: fixed sorting bug on 'Tracking' page for Internet Explorer
cforms II - v5.3
*) bugfix: admin HTML with non auto conf. TXT email would cause flawed HTML CC email
*) bugfix: fixed mailer error messsages for ajax (they would not show)
*) other: improved/simplified UI
*) other: lots of clean up and making UI around email messaging more obvious, hopefully
cforms II - v5.2
*) feature: support for alternative SMTP server
!! Note: Due to a obvious WP bug, class-smtp.php needs to be renamed to class.smtp.php
*) feature: post processing of submitted data (see documentation)
*) enhancement: simplified, and this made non-HTML (=TXT) emails more robust
*) enhancement: improved layout of textarea data (HTML) in admin emails
*) bugfix: stopped leaking HTML in TXT part of message
*) bugfix: fixed CC: feature for non-Ajax submissions
*) other: re-implemented ajax support now utilizing POST to
avoid any input limitations (# of characters)
*) other: more robust email address/name processing
cforms II - v5.1
*) re-introduced feature: FROM: address can again be changed via UI, BE CAREFUL!
*) feature: added hook for outside processing/manipulation of form data
*) bugfix: Outlook (especially 2007) requires special HTML formatting
*) other: bit of code clean up here and there
cforms II - v5.0
*) NOTE: The extra settings for form ID's (in email messages) are obsolete,
this feature is now available via the default variable {ID} - see Help!
*) NOTE: The special input field "Email subject" is now obsolete, since both
message body and SUBJECT fully support default and custom variables
*) feature: added a couple of CSS Themes
*) feature: multiple upload fields in the same form now supported
*) feature: 3rd party email tracking support, e.g. readnotify & didtheyreadit
*) feature: basic widget support (make sure to double check Theme CSS!)
*) feature: alternative form action supported (please read config info!)
*) feature: BCC to copy additional admin(s)
*) feature: additional themes: blue & green
*) feature: full [additional] HTML formatting support for email messages
*) bugfix: BACKUP & RESTORE fixed (not all fields were backed-up prev.)
*) bugfix: "spacing between labels & data" error when number < than length(field name)
*) bugfix: more CSS corrections
*) bugfix: the use of single & double quotes fixed in FIELDSETS
*) bugfix: one more single quote bug remedied in form labels
*) bugfix: DB tracking of user verification input now consistent w/ and w/o Ajax mode
*) bugfix: critical CAPTCHA issue resolved when more than one CAPTCHA fields are
displayed on the same page
*) bugfix: a mail server error would cause a bogus redirect and on top "hide" the actual
error making any troubleshooting virtually impossible
*) bugfix: critical javascript error when using more than 9 forms
*) bugfix: regexp in non-ajax mode cause an error when using a slash '/'
*) other: layout enhancements for all CSS Themes
*) other: default variables fixed for auto confirmation message (subject & message)
*) other: code clean up & major admin usability/accessibility improvements
*) other: fixed leading _ in form object ID's
*) other: now validates for XHTML 1.0 "Strict", too
v4.8 (bugfixes mostly)
*) other: added optional credit text - if you're happy with cforms you may want to
leave it enabled
*) feature: added a configurable SPACE between labels & data in the form email
*) feature: file uploads (form attachments) can now optionally be exlcuded from the email
they can be downloaded via "Tracking" (if enabled!) or accessed directly on the server
*) bugfix: properly escaped subject lines (when using visitor defined subject)
*) bugfix: fixed single quotes in field names
*) bugfix: text-only fields would falsely be added to the Tracking Tables
*) bugfix: non Ajax method: possible formatting issues with 1st fieldset in email
*) bugfix: non Ajax method: DB tracking of check boxes corrupted
*) bugfix: Ajax method: fixed possible "Multi-Recipients" bug
*) bugfix: non Ajax method: added a missing error message for failed attempts email forms
*) bugfix: DB Tracking: multi-line fields are now consistently stored (no extra
*) other: a few more form themes (wide & big, no border)
*) other: slightly enhanced email formatting
*) other: added seperate USER CAPability for tracking only! (use w/ Role Manager plugin!)
v4.7 (bugfixes only)
*) bugfix: field names would not show correctly when upgrading from 3.x to 4.6+
*) bugfix: simple CSS changes to support Opera Browsers (tested on 9+)
*) other: made some captcha mods for better readability
v4.6 (bugfixes & features)
*) new feature: page redirect on successful form submission
*) new feature: customizable admin form email (header, subject)
*) new feature: customizable auto confirmation message
(input field reference) & pre-defined variables
*) bugfix: multiple, sequentially arranged check box groups would "collapse"
*) bugfix: fixed adding/duplicating new forms with WP2.2 (WP caching issue)
*) bugfix: db tracking in non-Ajax mode showed inconsistent input field names
*) other: made the DB tracking tables creation process more flexible, hopefully
avoiding "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" err msgs in the future!
v4.5 (maintenance, bug fixes and enhancements)
*) NOTE: the format for check box groups has been enhanced, see HELP!
*) feature: (optional) ID's for labels for even greater level of customization!
*) bugfix: "Subject for Email" could not be saved "Is Required"
*) other: "Subject for Email", user definable subject is now appended
*) other: "Subject for Email" is now part of the email form submission body
*) other: form structure re-done! XHTML'fied; much more robust now
*) other: streamlined CSS
*) other: added a warning msg re: "Show messages" settings
v4.1 (features)
*) feature: support for shown but disabled form element
*) feature: "user message" positioning, now optionally at the bottom of the form
*) feature: "multi-select" via check boxes, grouped check boxes
*) feature: new special field: subject field
*) other: revised and cleaned up Help! section
v4 (feature & bugfix)
*) feature: captcha support for additional SPAM protection
*) feature: select & configure stylesheets via admin UI
*) bugfix: IE margin-bottom hover bug
*) bugfix: deleting form fields (on the general form config page) was broken due a
new bug that was introduced as part of the localization effort
*) other: change the INSERT queries using LAST_INSERT_ID() due to overly sensitive
SQL servers.
v3.5 (mostly maintenance)
*) feature: slightly enhanced Tracking page ("delete" now also removes attachments)
tracking data view now permits selective deletion of submission entries
*) feature: text fields can optionally be auto cleared on focus (if browser is JS enabled)
*) feature: attachments (uploads) are now stored on the server and can be accessed
via the "Tracking" page
*) feature: added optional ID tracking to forms (& emails sent out)
*) bugfix: editor button wouldn't show due to wrong image path
*) bugfix: order of fields on the "Tracking" page fixed, to ensure an absolute order
NOTE: as part of the install/update either deactivate/reactive the plugin or delete
the existing Tracking tables, to make use of the new table structure)
*) bugfix: due to a WP bug, the use of plugin_basename had to be adjusted
*) bugfix: fixed support for non-utf8 blogs ( mb_convert_encoding etc.)
*) other: code cleanup (big thanks to Sven!) to allow proper localization
current languages supported:
English, default
German, provided by Sven Wappler
*) other: changed data counter (column 1) on the Tracking page to reflect unique
form submission ID, that a visitor could possibly reference.
*) feature: multi-select fields
*) feature: dynamic forms (on the fly form creation)
*) bugfix: minor display bug on admin page: "add new field" button
*) bugfix: fixed a CSS bug to better support 3 column WP themes
(w/ middle column not floated)
*) feature: "file upload field" can now be mandatory
*) feature: additional select box for more intuitive form selection
*) drop down "-" option for multi recipients
*) bugfix: select (drop down) boxes did not save values for non ajax method
*) bugfix: when using "multi-recipients" field & first entry used, email would
still go out to everyone
*) bugfix: charsets other than UTF-8 caused issues with special characters in emails
*) other: added form name as hover text for form buttons
*) feature: most attachment types (images, docs etc) are now recognized
*) bugfix: not really a bug, but no "extra" attachments anymore
*) bugfix: more special characters in response messages
*) feature: file upload; only works with non-ajax send method (chosen autoamtically)
due to HTML constraints. ajax support does NOT need to be explicitly disabled
*) feature: select boxes (drop downs) now can be "required" -> to support situations,
where you don't want a default value to kick in, but want the visito to make a choice!
see HELP! section for more info on how to use this new feature
*) feature: checkboxes : now can be "required" -> for "I have read the above" type
scenarious, where the user has to comply/agree to a statement
*) feature: radio buttons, you can now click on the labels to toggle the selection
*) feature: radio & select boxes (drop down): now accept a "display value" & a "submit value"
see HELP! section for more info
*) feature: "submit button" is now disabled after sending to prevent multiple
submissions in case the web servers response is delayed (Ajax!)
*) feature: download supports both CSV and TXT (tab delimited)
*) bugfix: time correction in email (now considers blog time/date configuration)
*) bugfix: failure and success msgs would not show special characters properly
*) bugfix: “database tables found msg” would always show when settings were saved
*) bugfix: labels (left of an input field) would not display special chars correctly
*) other: renamed a few functions to avoid conflicts with other plugins
*) other: modified checkboxes: text to the right is by default "clickable"
*) other: W3C XHTML compliance now fully supported even when using REG EXPRESSIONS!
*) bugfix: changed the priority of the plugin: fixes layout issues due to wpautop
*) bugfix: fixed ajax (email) issues with CC: and Visitor verification fields
*) bugfix: fixed a few minor layout issues
*) UI: new admin uinterface
*) feature: full support for for role-manager support, see here for a current release:
*) feature: database tracking of form input & download as a CSV file
*) feature: backup and restore individual form settings (doesn't affect plugin-wide settings)
*) feature: erase all cforms data before deactivating/uninstalling the plugin
*) feature: added a new special field: "textonly" to add fully customizable paragraphs to your forms
*) feature: verification question to counteract spam
*) feature: custom regular expressions for single line input fields
usage: separate regexp via pipe '|' symbol: fieldname|defaultval|regexp
e.g. Phone|+49|^\+?[0-9- \(\)]+$
*) new menu structure (now top level menu!)
*) admin code clean up
*) verification codes accept answers case insensitive
*) feature: multiple email recipients ("form admins"): mass sending & selective sending by
*) CFORMS.CSS includes custom settings for form #2 (to see it in action, create a second
form (#2) with one FIELDSET and a few input fields)
*) feature: order of fields; fields can now be sorted via drag & drop
*) feature: forms can be duplicated
*) Fully integrated with TinyMCE & code editor. FF: hover over form placeholder and form
object will be displayed. IE: select form placeholder and click on the cforms editor
*) feature: default values for line & multi line input fields: use a "|" as a delimiter
*) UI: "Update Settings" returns directly to config section
*) bugfix: quotes and single quotes in input fields fixed
*) bugfix: adding/deleting fields will respect (=save) other changes made
*) UI: all form fields can now be deleted up until the last field
*) feature: CC optional for visitor / if CC'ed not auto confirmatin will be sent add'l
*) feature: enhanced email layout - supporting defined fieldset
*) feature: REPLY-TO set for emails to both form admins & visitors (CC'ed)
*) non ajax form submisssion: page reloads and now jumps directly to form (& success msg)
*) code clean up and a handful of minor big fixes
*) bugfix: IE not showing AJAX / popup message stati
*) bugfix: send button jumping to the left after submitting
*) check boxes: text can now be displayed both to the left and right
*) fieldsets are now supported: CSS: .cformfieldsets addresses all sets,
cformfieldsetX (with X=1,2,3...) individual ones.
*) form code clean-up: more standardized with a minimum on necessary elements and
got rid of all the legacy DIVs
*) javascript has been "outsourced" making your html so much nicer :)
!!) when upgrading to v2:
!) please edit each form on your plugins config page to verify that the email
field is checked with "Is Email" to ensure email verification
*) additional form fields: checkboxes, radio buttons and select fields
*) please note the expected "Field Name" entry format, separating input field items
form the field name: i.e. radio buttons: field-name#button1#button2#button3#...
*) ajax support can be optionally turned off
*) a form can now have as few input fields as two
*) more flexibilty in choosing email entry field. NOTE: if you have multiple email
fields in your form, only the first will be used for sending the auto confirmation to
*) "valid email required" placeholder added to indicate required input format for email fields
*) optional popup window for user messages (may be helpful for very long forms)
*) code cleanup
*) email header correction: "From:" doesn't claim to be visitor's email
address anymore this should fix most paranoid mail server
*) form name added for either email filtering or simply better differentiation
*) admin email: can now be just "xx@yy.zz" or "abc " (from name removed)
*) changes to email header: simplified and "WP compliant"
*) added to cforms.css: success and failure styles
*) bug fix related to the use of a single forms (#2 and up) and insertion of ajax code
*) FINALLY fixed "CR"s for multi-line response messages (success & failure fields)
*) HTML bug resolved & localization for "waiting message"
*) default value for email recipient is now the blog admins' email address
*) added a function call to insert form anywhere on your blog
*) added new version support
*) bug fixes: email/form functionality w/ standard send mechanism
*) clean up, external css, multiple forms support & user auto confirmation